Department of Czech Language and Literature
The DCzech provides a Bachelor’s degree program (namely Czech Language and Literature with a focus on education) and two follow-up Master’s degree programs (Teaching Czech Language and Literature for Lower-secondary Schools and Teaching Czech Language and Literature for Lower-secondary Schools with a focus on pupils with a different mother tongue). In addition, the DCzech is involved in the programs Teaching for Primary School and Teaching for Kindergartens. The DCzech also runs courses in lifelong and combined studies and its own PhD program Language and Literary Communication.

The main research areas of the DCzech include: Czech literature for children and youth, Czech drama, univerbization in contemporary Czech lexicon, onomastics, media education, as well as didactics of the Czech language and literature for pupils with a different mother tongue.
Members of the department are/were involved in a number of projects, e.g.:
- The Predictive Power of Contrastive Analysis and Perception of L2 Phonology by Native Speakers II (POWERCA; IGA/1374/2020)
- Non-violent communication in the teaching of Czech language didactics (OTVŘ-4115711570; IGA/1374/2020)
- Word-formation Analysis Software Tool for Teaching Czech for Foreigners (SLAN; TL03000293) – in cooperation with the Department of German Language and Literature and the Department of Russian Language and Literature
- An Introduction to Narratology (MUNI/FR/1094/2017)
- Practical Stylistics of the Czech Language for the 21st Century (MUNI/FR/1200/2018)
Members of the DCzech regularly publish in Czech and foreign language journals and other professional periodicals. Among the most important results, there are individual monographs Univerbizace v současné slovní zásobě, obzvláště slovotvorbě [The System of the Univerbizates in Contemporary Czech Vocabulary, especially in the Word-formation; I. Kolářová, 2017], Česká problémová dramatika šedesátých let 20. století [The Czech Problem Drama of the 1960s; D. Kroča, 2019], Teorie výuky literatury v historické perspektivě [Theory of Teaching Literature in the Historical Perspective; J. Zítková 2020] as well as chapters in monographs or journal papers — e.g. La transmission de l’expérience de la seconde guerre mondiale et la conception de la mémoire dans la littérature tchèque pour les enfants (M. Šubrtová, 2020), Structural Poetics in Motion: Jan Mukařovský and Roman Jakobson (O. Sládek 2021) or Die Entwertung der Sprache in den Stücken von Václav Havel aus den 60er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts (D. Kroča / H. Svobodová 2021).

The DCzech cooperates with numerous institutions and organizations in the Czech Republic and abroad. In addition to educational institutions, these include the Institute for Czech Literature, the Institute for Czech Language (both at the Czech Academy of Sciences), Meta o. p. s. — Society for Opportunities for Young Migrants, Jiří Mahen Society, Czech Section of IBBY, and others. The DCzech closely collaborates with academic partners at Universität Greifswald and at Universität Regensburg (preparation of scientific articles, co-organization of conferences, Czech students participation in online teaching, and creation of teaching materials).
Students of the DCzech can undertake Erasmus Study Mobilities (in Germany, Great Britain, France, Sweden, etc.) or Erasmus Work Placements (at Czech Schools without Borders or similar institutions supporting Czech language teaching abroad, e.g. in Brussels, London Vienna, Lisbon, Thessaloniki, etc.)
Members of the DCzech also carry out Erasmus+ Teachers’mobilities in Regensburg, Ljubljana, Wroclaw, Poznan, Bratislava, University of Tartu, etc.